Watch Stephen Bear jailed for sharing Georgia Harrison s** video online

 Watch Stephen Bear jailed for sharing Georgia Harrison s** video online

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. Provides information about trending videos on Twitter, Reddit and YouTube. Sharing trending and informative content is our number one priority. Hopefully you will like it. Reality show ‘Love Island’ contestant Georgia Harrison has expressed her relief after her ex-boyfriend Stephen Bear got a prison sentence for sharing her revenge porn received. 

Celebrity Big Brother contestant Bear shared a sex tape of Harrison on the subscription-based website OnlyFans. They then made him £2,000. The video was captured by Bear’s Garden surveillance cameras on August 2, 2020 before being uploaded to the website and his WhatsApp. Harrison, who had also appeared in The Only Way Is Essex, was devastated by the tape. The judge found that Bear had experienced a great deal of humiliation and embarrassment as a result of her actions. 

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